Editorial Roundup: United States

Excerpts from recent editorials in the United States and abroad:


Dec. 6

The Washington Post on the Senate and a shrinking window to protect press freedom

In 2021, Attorney General Merrick Garland established new, but long-needed, press protections barring federal prosecutors from pursuing journalists’ communication records with confidential sources except in extreme circumstances. But these protections are only as good as the administration controlling the Justice Department.

President-elect Donald Trump, who has espoused hostility toward journalists and seeks to elevate people who share this feeling to powerful positions in government, is weeks away from taking over federal law enforcement agencies. In other words, Congress has little time left to codify Mr. Garland’s policy into law. The Senate can — and should — do that in the lame-duck session.

In January, the House of Representatives passed such a bill without opposition. The legislation — the Protect Reporters from…

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